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What is Street Creatures?  This is the game I run on Twitter every Friday. I’ve
collected all the past quizzes here in one place so you can either relive them, or play
them for the first time.

How does it work?  Provided are four, seemingly unrelated clues, that are all
connected by a wild organism that can be found in a city. Look at the four clues,
do some research, and when you think you’ve figured it out, click on ‘Answer’
to reveal what connects the clues, and how they are connected.

Follow me on Twitter to play #StreetCreatures live every Friday at 9am PST.

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der Märchenkönig
Tochmarc Étaíne

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Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)


Mute swans are known to use the wind to help travel across water, using their wings as sails.


In Norse mythology the Well of Urðr lies beneath Yggdrasil and the water is so holy that everything it touches turns white. Two swans drink from it, turn white and so all their descendants are also white.

der Märchenkönig:

Another name for Ludwig II of Bavaria, who was also known as the Swan King. His childhood castle was Hohenschwangau (Upper Swan County Palace) and he constructed Schloss Neuschwanstein (New Swanstone Castle).

Tochmarc Étaíne:

This is an Irish tale called “The Wooing of Étaín/Éadaoin” and is a complicated story in which two of the characters end up turning into swans.